Fossil Outdoor BōnDry Overview
Hydration bladders are great ways to carry a lot of water for long distances and have even evolved into small lightweight collapsible water bottles in recent years. The number one problem with hydration bladders or collapsible water bottles is that they are a pain to dry which can quickly lead to mold growing inside of them.
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I have tried all sorts of solutions to bending old wire hangers and stuffing the inside of hydration bladders with rolled up paper towels. The wire hangers never really got the hydration bladders 100% dry and the hydration bladders could take days to get dry. The stuffed paper towel worked surprisingly well but let's be honest it's not the most environmentally friendly solution and only seemed to work well on smaller hydration bladders.
Fossil Outdoor BōnDry is essentially a drying stick you can place in your hydration bladders to quickly dry them. Using BōnDry not only helps prevent mold from growing but is also a lot more environmentally friendly than other solutions such as stuffing with paper towel.
On Fossil Outdoor's website they describe BōnDry as:
Our moisture transport technology uses sustainable and ethically sourced materials to move liquid from hydration bladders, insulated bottles, soft flasks and other hard to dry locations to keep you safe from funky hydration bladders.
Currently BōnDry has two different sizes, the LILBŌN and the BŌNDRY. The BŌNDRY being the larger of the two, I purchased both for the purpose of this review.
Fossil Outdoor LilBōn Review
I originally purchased the LilBōn and was surprised when I first opened the package that came in the mail.

I was expecting at least a little bit of packaging with some directions on it, but it was literally just the LilBōn in a plastic sleeve. I guess it's not too complicated of a device to use, you just place it into the hydration bladder and wait, but I was looking for a little something to read.
My first experiment of the LilBōn was with two 3L Hydropak Seeker (Amazon Affiliate) Collapsible water bottles. I decided to dry one with nothing inside of it and the second one would have the LilBōn stuffed inside.

After sitting on my kitchen drying rack for about 4 to 5 hours I removed them to see how we did.
My Hydrapak without the LilBōn:

My Hydrapak with the LilBōn:

As you can see the Hydrapak with the LilBōn was significantly more dry than the one without. I think the LilBōn may have been a tad small to use in this 3L hydration bladder but on multiple tests the LilBōn would successfully 100% dry the Hydrapak Seeker 3L while I slept.
Since the LilBōn worked so well and I have a couple 4 L Hydrapaks (Amazon Affiliate) I decided to also purchase the larger BōnDry.
Fossil Outdoor BōnDry Review
When my BōnDry arrived in the mail I was happy to see a little bit of packaging with some directions on it this time!
For those interested, the directions are pretty straight forward and it looks like when I winged it with the LilBōn that I got it right:

The 4L Hydrapak I used for testing BōnDry is obviously bigger than the 3L Hydrapak but the opening is the same size. The BōnDry being much larger than the LilBōn made it a little bit tougher to force it into the Hydrapak, but the BōnDry is designed with a flexible middle making it easy to fold in half.

Once again I left it overnight and woke up in the morning to check on it. I was extremely satisfied to not find a single drop of water or any evidence of moisture in the 4L Hydrapak after only 1 night with the BōnDry inside of it.

Overall I am excited with both products from Fossil Outdoors. I now own 2 LilBōn and 1 BōnDry and plan on picking up 1 more BōnDry in the near future. If you are someone who uses hydration bladders while hiking or biking, do yourself a favor and pick up a couple of these to keep your bladders clean and dry!
Fossil Outdoors was nice enough to give my readers a 10% discount code if you use the code SeekAdventure at checkout.